Sunday 7 August 2011

The World of the Ephemeral Dead

As I'm writing this I'm planning to run the second half of a ghost-town adventure for my current Deadlands: Hell on Earth game. Its allowed me to think of what I'd like to incorporate into future ghost-centered stories. So this isn't a single post, but a running list I'm making for myself and anyone who cares to read it.

If you have ghostly game-table activities that have worked for you in the past, feel free to note them in the comments section. I'm always interested in what other folks are thinking.

--Round-Robin Intention through Possession--
Possession isn't just a good way of getting a party to jump at shadows. It can also help investigative minds sort out what's going on in a ghost's head. I had the idea to have the entire party roll for possession simultaneously and then I'd toss random notes to the victims and have them read them in their best "otherworldly" voices. The notes would give random clues to the ghost's nature as it jumped from person to person. Of course the notes would be out of order, so they'd have to put the pieces together. Also, I was figuring it might be a fun way of getting some of the folks in my group who don't full-on role-play to cut loose. I might also reward the best ghostly voice (or the person who came out of their shell the most) with a Benny. I figure I could do this two to three times over the course of an adventure with different ghosts or the same ghost revealing important details through this chaotic roulette-style possession. And of course, whoever reads the last note is the body the ghost stays in and through-whom it attacks the party.

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